STEM Vision
We are committed to preparing our students for an ever-changing world. We believe that rigorous and relevant experiences with STEM will help our students learn how to ask important questions about their world and equip them with the skills they need to be confident, responsible, and adaptable, while being effective communicators, collaborators, and creative thinkers.
These LSSC classroom ambassadors were special guests at last night's 2023 Marsh Madness Sandhill Crane Festival Dinner. The students presented about the work they have been doing alongside Julie Corbin and the Friends of the Goose Pond to create a Monarch sanctuary at our school! We are so proud of all of the students who have been collaborating to make real change in the world and in our community! Thank you to Mrs. Owings and Amanda Smith and their students in Kindergarten. Thank you to Mrs. Irish, Mrs. Tennant, Mrs. Ellis, and Mr. Johnson in 3rd grade. Thank you, as well, to Mrs. Carrell and her landscaping class students. In the future, all K-3 classes will take part in helping our sanctuary flourish.
Students at Linton-Stockton participate in STEM learning during the school day with Project Lead the Way and other integrated STEM projects like NearSpace and MyMachine.
At our after school program, all students have the opportunity to participate in fun STEM activities and meet STEM professionals!